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How Often Do I Need a Bone Density Test?

How Often Do I Need a Bone Density Test?

Bone is one of the hardest materials in your body. But just like your muscles and organs, your bones are made of living tissue, and your bone cells grow, change, repair, and deteriorate throughout your life.

Your bones contain minerals like collagen and calcium phosphate that are knit closely together to create a strong, resilient skeleton. Bone density is the measurement of how much of these minerals are in your bones.

It’s normal for bone density to decrease with age, but osteoporosis is a common bone disease that develops when your bones lose too much density. Osteoporosis makes bones fragile and increases your risk of broken bones, pain, and other complications.

Once bone density is gone, it can’t be replaced. But the good news is that you don’t have to wait until you break a bone to find out you have osteoporosis. 

Board-certified OB/GYN Bola Sogade, MD, and our gynecology team at ObGyne Birth Center for Natural Deliveries recommends bone density scans to evaluate your risk and protect your health.

Determining your risk for osteoporosis

Osteoporosis affects 10 million Americans over age 50, and 80% of those people are women. While anyone can get osteoporosis, certain factors increase your risk.

You may be more likely to develop osteoporosis if you:

Different factors affect your health differently, so it’s not easy to determine your risk of osteoporosis on your own. Talk to Dr. Sogade and our team to find out more.

How bone density testing can help

Bone density testing is noninvasive and pain-free. The test uses X-ray to scan your bones and determine how many grams of calcium and other minerals are present.

You lay down on an X-ray table. We test bones in the center of your body, usually your spine and hips. The whole process takes about 15 minutes, and there’s no downtime.

The test generates results that we use to determine how much bone loss you have and whether it’s severe enough to be considered osteoporosis. Once you have a diagnosis, we work with you to develop a plan to protect your bone health.

When to get a bone density test

All women should get a bone density test around age 65. Men should talk to their doctors about getting a bone scan around age 70. In some cases, you may benefit from earlier or more frequent bone density testing.

Talk to Dr. Sogade about scheduling a bone density test if:

Many people only need one bone density test. But if your test indicates bone loss, you may need follow-up testing in a few years. 

Dr. Sogade may also prescribe medication, lifestyle changes, and other treatments to slow bone loss. Regular bone density tests may be part of your treatment to monitor your health and track any changes.

Is it time to schedule your bone density test? Visit ObGyne Birth Center for Natural Deliveries to get started. Call our Forsyth, Georgia, office at 478-887-3506 or request an appointment online now.

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