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9 Steps to Take to Get Your Body Ready for Pregnancy

9 Steps to Take to Get Your Body Ready for Pregnancy

If you’re ready to grow your family, you no doubt have considered the many ways to prepare your home and your nursery for a new baby, but preparing your body is the most important step you can take. 

Our expert team at the ObGyne Birth Center for Natural Deliveries, under the direction of board-certified OB/GYN Bola Sogade, MD, supports you in your journey to motherhood from preconception counseling through pregnancy to natural delivery and postpartum care. 

Below, we highlight nine steps you can take to get your body ready for pregnancy. 

Track your menstrual cycle

Understanding your menstrual cycle can help you select the best time in your cycle to try to conceive. Ovulation typically happens about 14 days before your period starts. 

This means that if your average menstrual cycle is 35 days long, your ovulation most likely happens around day 21. Your most fertile days would be cycle days 19, 20, and 21. 

Tip: There are many period tracking apps that can help you keep track of this information.

Schedule a preconception appointment

During your preconception visit, we review your personal health history and evaluate any medical concerns you have. This can include going over any medications you take that may need to be adjusted prior to or during pregnancy. 

At this appointment, we provide additional tips for achieving a happy and healthy pregnancy.

Start taking your prenatal vitamins

Even before you’re pregnant, your body benefits from prenatal vitamins, especially folic acid.  The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommends that all women who are trying to conceive take prenatal supplements with at least 0.4 milligrams of folic acid at least one to three months prior to conception.

Stay active

Exercise is good for you no matter what phase of your journey you’re on: preconception, pregnancy, or postpartum. 

When you’re trying to get pregnant, exercise can reduce stress, keep your weight in the healthy range, and help you establish healthy habits you can continue throughout your pregnancy.

Consider your caffeine intake

Pregnant women should consume less than 200 milligrams of caffeine each day. If you drink more than that, now is a good time to start weaning yourself off of it. This allows for a more gradual transition, which can help you avoid withdrawal headaches.

Give your diet a makeover

A nutrient-dense diet is essential for a healthy diet. Eating plenty of whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables, and lean proteins can help you maintain a healthy weight gain, reduce your risk of gestational diabetes, and supply your baby with all the nutrients needed for healthy development. 

Now is the perfect time to make any modifications to your diet, prioritize hydration, and limit processed food.

Make a quit plan

Both smoking and drinking alcohol are dangerous for a growing baby, so make a quit plan before you conceive. If you need help with smoking cessation, let us know. We're happy to help you get on the right path.

Address any underlying health conditions

Untreated health conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, can increase your risk of developing pregnancy complications. If you take medication (including anxiety medication and insulin), let us know. 

Some medications may need to be adjusted during pregnancy, while others are fine to continue. 

Focus on hydration

Drinking enough water each day is one of the most important things you can do to keep your body as healthy as possible. Adequate hydration is essential during pregnancy, but it’s also just as important when you’re trying to conceive.

If you’re working on getting your body ready for pregnancy within the next few months, call our Forsyth, Georgia, office to schedule a preconception appointment. You can also schedule a preconception visit online anytime day or night.

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